"Cal Poly Pier Master Plan" by Troy A. Lawson

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of City and Regional Planning


City and Regional Planning


College of Architecture and Environmental Design


Adrienne Greve

Advisor Department

City and Regional Planning

Advisor College

College of Architecture and Environmental Design


The Cal Poly Pier (Pier) Master/Facility Plan (FP) document provides the vision of the future for the Pier, a marine science research facility. The Plan facilitates project development and management of the Pier while meeting university and department research goals. Specifically, the FP document establishes goals and strategies to direct long-term development of the Pier, streamlines agency approval and permit requirements, provides context for pier management, and assists the permitting process for future development as it relates to regulatory permits and programmatic growth on the Cal Poly Pier to help meet goals of the Center for Coastal Marine Sciences (CCMS). The Cal Poly Pier is the marine field station for the California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) CCMS and is one of several facilities that supports research and educational activities. The CCMS is a CSU Campus Center research organization that provides research and education activities as a part of Cal Poly’s overall mission while offering opportunities to interested parties beyond Cal Poly, such as private and public entities. The 3,057-foot long pier provides students, faculty, researchers, and other users unrivaled access to the marine environment of the Central Coast and fosters hands-on learning opportunities to progress marine research and science. The Master Plan name was changed to Facility Plan to streamline the plan approval process and to minimize the potential for errors.
