"Performance Based Analysis of Steel Buildings" by Matthew Joseph Williams

Date of Award


Degree Name

MS in Architecture


Cole McDaniel


This project investigated the performance of two separate building types, designed using ASCE 7-05, using the analysis procedures from ASCE 41-06. The results from the ASCE 41-06 analyses were compared to the expected performance level of Life Safety to determine the adequacy of the ASCE 7-05 design. ASCE 7-05 is intended to result in designs that perform to a Life Safety performance level regardless of the building type. A design using the AISC specifications for a steel Special Moment Frame and the lateral loads from ASCE 7-05 resulted in a building that slightly exceeded an Immediate Occupancy performance level for the BSE-1 Hazard Level. In comparison, a design using the AISC specifications for steel Special Concentric Braced Frame resulted in a building that performed to a Collapse Prevention performance level for the BSE-1 Hazard Level.
