
The image of a University of Miami football player wielding his helmet as a weapon during a brawl with cross-town rival Florida International University was broadcast repeatedly across the national television airwaves in the fall of 2006. This most recent brawl during a collegiate football contest has again fueled the debate: does sport build or reveal character? Sport advocates, former athletes, and coaches unabashedly promote the benefits of sport. Yet, scholars and empirical research have consistently backed the notion that sport may just as well contribute in a potentially damaging manner to the development of children and adolescents if not taught, organized, managed, and led properly (e.g., Beller & Stoll, 1995; Ewing, Gano-Overway, Branta, and Seefeldt, 2002; Petitpas, Cornelius, Van Raalte, & Jones, 2005). Beller and Stoll went a step further in concluding, "As such, competitive athletics as it is taught and morally modeled in this country does not appear to cognitively develop young people" (p. 361).


Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration



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