Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration | College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
The Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration Department is now the Experience Industry Management Department (


Submissions from 2013


The Multiphasic and Dynamic Nature of Flow in Adventure Experiences, Susan Houge Mackenzie


Stress and Emotions at Work: An Adventure Tourism Guide's Experiences, Susan Houge Mackenzie and John H. Kerr


The University of Utah's Integrated Core: A case study from a "commuter campus", Karen Paisley, Callie Spencer, Mary Sarah Wells, and Keri Schwab


Review of Heike Schanzel, Ian Yeoman, and Elisa Backer, Family Tourism: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Keri A. Schwab


Choosing Sport Management as a College Major, Keri A. Schwab, Daniel Dustin, Eric Legg, Danielle Timmerman, Mary Sara Wells, and Skye G. Arthur-Banning

Submissions from 2012


Strengthening the Relationship between Undergraduate Professional Preparation Programs in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism and Graduate Leisure Studies, Daniel Dustin, Laurie Browne, Kelly Bricker, and Keri Schwab


The Future of Leisure Studies in Research Universities: Administrators' Perspectives, Daniel Dustin, Rachel Collins, Jeremy Schultz, Laurie Browne, Keri Schwab, Jeff Rose, Danielle Timmerman, Ben Altschuler, Jeremy Jostad, Callie Spencer, Jackie Newman, and Kelly Bricker


Toward a More Phronetic Leisure Science, Daniel Dustin, Keri Schwab, and Jeff Rose


Head-Mounted Cameras and Stimulated Recall in Qualitative Sport Research, Susan Houge Mackenzie and John H. Kerr


A (Mis)guided Adventure Tourism Experience: An Autoethnographic Analysis of Mountaineering in Bolivia, Susan Houge Mackenzie and Joun H. Kerr


Multiple Motives for Participating in Adventure Sports, John H. Kerr and Susan Houge Mackenzie

Submissions from 2010


Bridging the Sport and Recreation Divide, Laurence Chalip, Keri Schwab, and Daniel Dustin


Thermus aquaticus and You: Biodiversity, human health, and the interpretive challenge, Daniel L. Dustin and Keri A. Schwab


A Benefits-Based Study of Appalachian Trail Users: Validation and Application of the Benefits of Hiking Scale, Barbara Freidt, Eddie Hill, Edwin Gómez, and Marni Goldenberg


Enhancing Recreation, Parks, Tourism Courses: Using Movies as Teaching Tools, Marni Goldenberg, Jason W. Lee, and Teresa O'Bannon


A Qualitative Investigation of Californian Youth Interests in the Outdoors, Marni Goldenberg, Katherine Wassenberg, Jerusha Greenwood, William Hendricks, Jeff Jacobs, and Jason Cummings