
Experiments were conducted to measure heat transfer rates and mass transfer rates from a water surface in the presence of electrostatic fields of various strengths generated between the water surface and a wire grid above the surface.

Heat transfer rates were determined by the temperature decay after heating the test and control basins. Mass transfer rates were determined by measuring the water loss while holding the basins at fixed temperatures.

It was found that very little increase in transfer coefficients took place for voltages below an onset voltage which depended on atmospheric conditions and test geometry. The heat transfer coefficient increased for voltages above the onset voltage reaching factors of three to four times the natural rate. The mass transfer coefficient also increased similar amounts for voltages above the onset voltage. The functional dependence of the increased heat and mass transfer rates on grid voltage agreed with theory developed for heat transfer from plates without mass transfer. Mass transfer could be predicted using the analogy of heat and mass transfer, but heat transfer could not because of the unknown contribution of radiative transfer which was not independently monitored.


Mechanical Engineering



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