Office of the Provost Scholarship | Office of the President and Provost | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo


Submissions from 2007


Ultrasonic Method for Aircraft Wake Vortex Detection, Rebecca J. Rodenhiser, William W. Durgin, and Hamid Johari

Submissions from 2006


Ultrasonic Method for Aircraft Wake Vortex Detection, Rebecca J. Rodenhiser, William W. Durgin, and Hamid Johari

Submissions from 2004


Experimental Investigation of Statistical Moments of Travel Time in Grid-Generated Turbulence, Tatiana A. Andreeva, S. B. Meleshi, and William W. Durgin

Submissions from 2002


Educating Engineering Students in Entrepreneurship, William W. Durgin and Donald N. Zwiep


Stability and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Condensing Films, James C. Hermanson, Peder C. Pedersen, Jeffrey S. Allen, M. A. Shear, Z. Q. Chen, Andreas N. Alexandrou, and William W. Durgin


The WPI/Goddard Space Flight Center Projects Program, Fred J. Looft and William W. Durgin

Submissions from 2001


Determination of Statistical Characteristics of Isotropic Turbulence, Tatiana A. Andreeva, William W. Durgin, F. J. Weber, and Hamid Johari


Ultrasonic Beam Propagation in Turbulent Flow, William W. Durgin, F. J. Weber, and Hamid Johari

Submissions from 2000


Global Projects Prepare WPI Students for the 21st Century, William W. Durgin and Donald N. Zwiep


Stability and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Condensate Fluid Layers in Reduced Gravity, James C. Hermanson, Andreas N. Alexandrou, William W. Durgin, Peder C. Pedersen, and Jeffrey S. Allen


Ultrasonic Monitoring Method and System for Wake Turbulence Useful at Runways, Hamid Johari and William W. Durgin

Submissions from 1999


Collaborative Undergraduate Research, Hamid Davoodi, Frederick Just, Ali Saffar, Mohammad Noori, and William W. Durgin

Submissions from 1998


Redesigning Engineering Education, William W. Durgin and Edward A. Parrish


Direct Measurement of Circulation Using Ultrasound, Hamid Johari and William W. Durgin


The Restoration of a WWII Avenger Provides Projects For WPI Students, Donald N. Zwiep, William W. Durgin, and Nathan H. Mayo

Submissions from 1997


What Was Learned - Outcomes Assessment Under Criteria 2000 At WPI, William W. Durgin, Lance Schachterle, and John F. Carney III

Submissions from 1996


Modeling of Macroscopic/Microscopic Transport Phenomena in Zeolite Crystal Solutions Under Microgravity Conditions, Andreas Alexandrou; Nikos A. Gatsonis; William W. Durgin; and Albert Sacco, Jr.


Development of Outcome Assessments at WPI, William W. Durgin and Lance Schachterle


Teaching the Necessary "Soft Skills" Through Corporate-Based Projects, Lance Schachterle and William W. Durgin


Solute Nucleation and Growth in Supercritical Fluid Mixtures, Gregory T. Smedley, Gerald Wilemski, W. Terry Rawlins, David B. Oakes, Prakash Joshi, and William W. Durgin