Physics | College of Science and Mathematics | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Physics Department faculty conduct research which contributes to the creation of new knowledge based in the most basic laws that govern the behavior of nature. Their research programs involve undergraduate students and international opportunities for collaborations with academics, industry, and governmental organizations.

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Submissions from 2011


Reducing zero-point systematics in dark energy supernova experiments, L. Faccioli, A. G. Kim, R. Miquel, et al.


Polarization-Dependent Atomic Dipole Traps Behind a Circular Aperture for Neutral-Atom Quantum Computing, Katharina Gillen-Christandl and Bert D. Copsey


Energy and Environment Chronology, David Hafemeister


Thermal Rise Time in Nuclear Reactors after Loss of Coolant or Loss of Power Accidents, David Hafemeister


Exposing Students to the Idea that Theories Can Change, Chance Hoellwarth and Matthew J. Moelter


The implications of a robust curriculum in introductory mechanics, Chance Hoellwarth and Matthew J. Moelter


Perturbed breakup of gas bubbles in water: Memory, gas flow, and coalescence, Nathan C. Keim


Generic Transient Memory Formation in Disordered Systems with Noise, Nathan C. Keim and Sidney R. Nagel


Culture-Independent Characterization of a Novel, Uncultivated Magnetotactic Member of the Nitrospirae Phylum, Christopher T. Lefevre, Richard B. Frankel, Fernanda Abreu, et al.


Isolation of obligately alkaliphilic magnetotactic bacteria from extremely alkaline environments, Christopher T. Lefevre, Richard B. Frankel, Mihály Pósfai, et al.


A Cultured Greigite-Producing Magnetotactic Bacterium in a Novel Group of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria, Christopher T. Lefèvre, Nicholas Menguy, Fernanda Abreu, et al.


Morphological features of elongated-anisotropic magnetosome crystals in magnetotactic bacteria of the Nitrospirae phylum and the Deltaproteobacteria class, Christopher T. Lefèvre, Mihály Pósfai, Fernanda Abreu, et al.


Radio Frequency Noise Effects on the CERN Large Hadron Collider Beam Diffusion, Themis Mastoridis, P. Baudrenghien, A. Butterworth, et al.


Studies of RF Noise Induced Bunch Lengthening at the LHC, T. Mastoridis, C. Rivetta, J.D. Fox, et al.


Megamaser detection and nuclear obscuration in Seyfert galaxies, M. Ramolla, M. Hass, V. N. Bennert, et al.


Mathematical Models of Feedback Systems for Control of Intra-Bunch Instabilities Driven by E-Clouds and TMCI, C. Rivetta, J.D. Fox, T. Mastoridis, et al.


Biaxial smectic-A phase and its possible misidentification as a smectic-Cα* phase, Karl Saunders


A sporadic low‐velocity layer atop the western U.S. mantle transition zone and short‐wavelength variations in transition zone discontinuities, B. Schmandt, K.G. Dueker, S.M. Hansen, et al.


Loss of Landau Damping in the LHC, E. Shaposhnikova, T. Argyropoulos, T. Bohl, et al.


Similarity scaling of turbulence spectra and cospectra in a shallow tidal flow, Ryan K. Walter, Nicholas J. Nidzieko, and Stephen G. Monismith


Investigation of factors affecting the accumulation of vinyl chloride in polyvinyl chloride piping used in drinking water distribution systems, Ryan Walter, Po-Hsun Lin, Marc Edwards, et al.

Submissions from 2010


VERITAS Search for VHE Gamma-Ray Emission from Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies, V. A. Acciari, T. Arlen, T. Aune, et al.


Muon-induced backgrounds in the CUORICINO experiment, E. Andreotti, C. Arnaboldi, F.T. Avignone III, et al.


Strain Within the Ultrahigh‐Pressure Western Gneiss Region of Norway Recorded by Quartz CPOs, Nicolas C. Barth, Bradley R. Hacker, Gareth G.E. Seward, et al.


Cosmic evolution of black holes and spheroids. IV. The MBH - Lsph relation, Vardha N. Bennert, Tommaso Treu, Jong-Hak Woo, et al.