Physics | College of Science and Mathematics | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Physics Department faculty conduct research which contributes to the creation of new knowledge based in the most basic laws that govern the behavior of nature. Their research programs involve undergraduate students and international opportunities for collaborations with academics, industry, and governmental organizations.

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Submissions from 2013


Computational problems in introductory physics: Lessons from a bead on a wire, Thomas J. Bensky and Matthew J. Moelter


The Low-Luminosity End of the Radius-Luminosity Relationship for Active Galactic Nuclei, Misty C. Bentz, Kelly D. Denney, Catherine J. Grier, et al.


The properties of post-starburst quasars based on optical spectroscopy, Sabrina L. Cales, Michael S. Brotherton, Zhaohui Shang, et al.


Discovery of an Eo-Meso-Neoarchean Terrane in the East Greenland Caledonides, Scott M. Johnston and Andrew R.C. Kylander-Clark


Investigations of the LHC Emittance Blow-Up During the 2012 Proton Run, M. Kuhn, G. Arduini, P. Baudrenghien, et al.


Bayesian Approach for Uncertainty Analysis of an Urban Storm Water Model and Its Applications to a Heavily Urbanized Watershed, Misgana K. Muleta, Jonathan McMillan, Geremew G. Amenu, et al.


The Extended Narrow-Line Region of Two Type-I Quasi-stellar Objects, Semyeong Oh, Jong-Hak Woo, Vardha N. Bennert, et al.


Update on Beam Induced RF Heating in the LHC, B. Salvant, O. Aberle, G. Arduini, et al.


A sub-kpc-scale binary active galactic nucleus with double narrow-line regions, Jong-Hak Woo, Hojin Cho, Bernd Husemann, et al.

Submissions from 2012


CUORE crystal validation runs: Results on radioactive contamination and extrapolation to CUORE background, F. Alessandria, E. Andreotti, R. Ardito, et al.


Search for double-β decay of 130Te to the first 0+ excited state of 130Xe with the CUORICINO experiment bolometer array, E. Andreotti, C. Arnaboldi, F.T. Avignone III, et al.


Jitter Impact on Clock Distribution in LHC Experiments, S. Baron, Themis Mastoridis, J. Troska, et al.


Performances and future plans of the LHC RF, P. Baudrenghien and T. Mastoridis


Proposal for an RF Roadmap Towards Ultimate Intensity in the LHC, P. Baudrenghien and T. Mastoridis


Exploring the Physics with Computer Animation, T. J. Bensky


Computing Accurate Age and Distance Factors in Cosmology, Jodi L. Christiansen and Andrew Siver


Very early ultraviolet and optical observations of the type Ia supernova 2009ig, Ryan J. Foley, P. J. Challis, A. V. Filippenko, et al.


Estimating the R-Value of Earth's Atmosphere, David Hafemeister


Forum History at Forty (2012), David Hafemeister


Reflections on the Forum at Forty, David Hafemeister


Review of Ola Dahlman et al., Detect and Deter: Can Countries Verify the Nuclear Test Ban, David Hafemeister


A local baseline of the black hole mass scaling relations for active galaxies. II. Measuring stellar velocity dispersion in active galaxies, Chelsea E. Harris, Vardha N. Bennert, Matthew W. Auger, et al.


The Galaxy Zoo survey for giant AGN-ionized clouds: past and present black hole accretion events, William C. Keel, Drew Chojnowski, Vardha N. Bennert, et al.


The History and Environment of a Faded Quasar: Hubble Space Telescope observations of Hanny’s Voorwerp and IC 2497, William C. Keel, Chris J. Lintott, Kevin Schawinski, et al.


Fluid elasticity can enable propulsion at low Reynolds number, Nathan C. Keim, Mike Garcia, and Paulo E. Arratia