College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Music Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BA in Music



Primary Advisor

Julie Herndon, College of Liberal Arts, Music Department


A Collection of Poems is an eclectic EP of original songs and arrangements centered around the themes of hopefulness and affection. The goal of the EP is to showcase my understanding of composing, arranging, recording, mixing, and mastering learned at Cal Poly. Two songs are originals, Cigarette Love and Same Moon. Two are arrangements: I Love You Truly is by Carrie Jacobs-Bond, and April Showers is by Al Jolson. I worked in collaboration with Dr. Herndon (advisor), Melissa Scarpelli (voice and guitar), and Ari Maman (saxophone) who contributed their time and musical opinions to make this EP possible.

The biggest takeaway that I learned from this project was how beneficial it is to have an example track of every part before recording with other musicians. Having the parts already arranged and recorded allowed for the recording musicians to have a better understanding of what the piece will sound like and what style they should aim for. Overall, this project was a productive learning experience for me. I am very happy with the outcome and grateful for the help I received.

1_CigaretteLove.mp3 (5815 kB)
Cigarette Love

2_ILoveYouTruly(Dear).mp3 (4553 kB)
I Love You Truly (Dear)

3_SameMoon.mp3 (6799 kB)
Same Moon

4_AprilShowers.mp3 (3536 kB)
April Showers



Item available for download from library premises only.