College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Music Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BA in Music



Primary Advisor

Arthur White, College of Liberal Arts, Music Department


This senior project is an EP of original music that I have recorded and performed on. I also produced and mixed the songs on this EP with my advisor. The writing component of this project is composed of liner notes for each song. The liner notes on this album describe how I have composed and arranged each song, the moods I am portraying through each song, and specific musical aspects (chord changes, key changes, medium, textures, harmonies, etc.).

Comfort In Love.mp3 (5470 kB)
Comfort In Love

Your Time Is Coming Now.mp3 (4992 kB)
Your Time Is Coming Now

Stop Pretending.mp3 (4565 kB)
Stop Pretending

Another Girl.mp3 (5015 kB)
Another Girl

Too Good.mp3 (5202 kB)
Too Good



Item available for download from library premises only.