Materials Engineering | Senior Projects | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

The Cal Poly Materials Engineering Department offers the only primarily undergraduate materials engineering program of the 53 materials science and engineering departments in the United States. It is student-centered with lots of hands-on learning by doing. Faculty and staff are dedicated to providing a positive learning environment where students learn engineering fundamentals, gain experience with materials characterization and testing equipment, and develop teamwork and professional skills. The MATE curriculum allows flexibility with breadth electives, as well as specialization with technical electives.

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Senior Projects from 2023


Interlaminar Tensile Properties of Unidirectional and Woven Carbon Fiber Reinforced Toughened Epoxy Laminates, Eric Timothy Casey and Sean McKalip Thompson


Covalent Adaptable Networks for Wood Coatings, Jachin Boaz Clarke


Improving the Tensile Mechanical Properties of Direct Energy Deposited (DED) Inconel 718 Aircraft Components Using a Standard Heat Treatment, Spencer Vincent Flynn


Design, Modeling, and Testing of a Novel Inductor for Electric Vehicles: Iron Nitride Soft Magnetic Composites, Sydney F. Fultz-Waters and Jacob Krynock


Novel Tool Steel Alloy P179-X17 made with Rapid Alloy Development for Additively Manufactured Die Inserts to be used in Aluminum Injection Molding, Amy Harter and Jack Leimbach


Effect of Environmental and Ultraviolet Degradation on the Albedo of Polyethylene Sheet Materials for Improved Energy Harvesting by Bifacial Photovoltaic Power Plants, William A. Jang and Roxy H. Jackson-Gain


Investigation into Oxygen Diffusion as it Relates to Alpha Case Formation in Ti-6Al-4V Based on Different Forging Thermal Cycles, Tyler J. Meador, Jon Leduc, and Francesca Hope


The Effects of Dissolved Hydrogen on the Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behavior of SE508 Nitinol Wire For Biomedical Components, Kathryn Linn Meany and Ryan Zhao Thompson


Optimizing the Induction Coil Heat Treatment Parameters for Golf Club Iron Hosels to Facilitate Room Temperature Bending, Brissa Rico and Davis Schell


Surface Characterization of Low-Density Polyethylene Mulch, Risha Shah


Metallographic and Thermal Processing Investigation of a New Al-Based Crashworthy Alloy for Additive Manufacturing, Nathalie Joyce Silva and Samuel Myer Ettelstein


Failure Analysis of Variably Sized 4340 Steel Mandrels Utilized in the Production of Seamless Superalloy Rings through the Vertical Ring Rolling Process, Mikhail Alexeyevich Vasilyev and Joshua Brady Venz