College - Author 1
College of Engineering
Department - Author 1
Materials Engineering Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Materials Engineering
College - Author 2
College of Engineering
Department - Author 2
Materials Engineering Department
Degree - Author 2
BS in Materials Engineering
Primary Advisor
Blair London, College of Engineering, Materials Engineering Department
The purpose of this project is to find an alloy that can be additively manufactured into die inserts for aluminum injection molding. Current die inserts are manufactured through casting, but additive manufacturing would allow for more intricacy in shape design and better design of cooling passages. A successful alloy must have a minimum hardness of 40 HRC and retain 50% of its strength after a thermal exposure of 600°C for 50-hours. The alloys under consideration are H13 tool steel, Dievar, and P179-X17 – a novel steel alloy developed by Oerlikon Surface Solutions. Cast and printed samples were received for each alloy. Microhardness and bend testing were conducted to determine the hardness and strength of each alloy before and after a thermal test. Of the cast samples, P179-X17 was the only alloy to meet the desired property goals with an average hardness of 46 HRC and 41 HRC before and after the thermal test, respectively, and a 27% and 9% decrease in yield and tensile strength, respectively. When printed, P179-X17 did not meet the minimum hardness of 40 HRC which is likely due to it being manufactured with elemental powder blends rather than atomized powder.