Materials Engineering | Senior Projects | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

The Cal Poly Materials Engineering Department offers the only primarily undergraduate materials engineering program of the 53 materials science and engineering departments in the United States. It is student-centered with lots of hands-on learning by doing. Faculty and staff are dedicated to providing a positive learning environment where students learn engineering fundamentals, gain experience with materials characterization and testing equipment, and develop teamwork and professional skills. The MATE curriculum allows flexibility with breadth electives, as well as specialization with technical electives.

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Senior Projects from 2014


The Effect of Silicon on the Electrochemical Corrosion Resistance of Carbon Steel, Loan Faget and Michael S. Rouse


Prediction of Tribological Behavior of Candidate Materials for Rotor Seals, John W. Franzino and Will F. Michul


Material Composition and Toxicology of Cosmetic Products, Hilda Gonzalez


Mechanical Behavior of Compression Molded Polyethylene Terephthalate, Daniel Cole Greinke, Paul Jackson McEwan, and Dan Tran


Relationship between Bagging Methods and Pre-Weld Holding Times on Porosity Formation in 2219 Aluminum AC-TIG Welds, Mariah Grace Head and Tyson Daniel Mobley


Fabrication and Testing of Arabinan Cellulose Nanocomposites, Ross Johnson, Austin Rosso, and Nick Semansky


The Environmental Impact Assessment of Cal Poly's Manufacturing Laboratory, Yoonho Mark Kim


The Mechanical Properties of Newly Developed Iron and Nickel-based Hardfacing Alloys for Industrial Applications, Kristi Lucas


The Effects of Austempering and Cryogenic Processing on the Mechanical Properties of Forged E4340 Steel for Automotive Engine Connecting Rods, Aaron Taylor Ludlow


Electrochemical Characterization of Precious Metal Braze Alloys Using Potentiodynamic Polarization, Maxwell Glen Martin, Mason Gregory Morgan, and Matthew David Vance


Manufacture and Mechanical Testing of Thin Film Composites Composed of Poly-lactic Acid and Nanocrystalline Cellulose, Catherine E. Mohan


Development of Low Temperature, Aqueous Synthesis Method of Lead Sulfide Quantum Dots, Albert Nakao and Colin Yee


An Intercritical Heat Treatment Study of High Strength, Microalloyed Ferrous Open Die Forgings, Kelly Elizabeth Stewart


Characterization of Pressure Driven and Electro-Kinetically Driven Flow in a Micro-Fluidic Chip Using Particle Imaging Velocimetry, Alexis Paige Weckel


Second Generation Design of an Operator Independent Teflon Coating Adhesion Tester for Coronary Guidewires, Garrett L. Wong