Submissions from 2008
An Undergraduate Science Information Literacy Tutorial in a Web 2.0 World, Jeanine Marie Scaramozzino
It Takes a Village: Role of Librarians in the First Year Experience (FYE), Jeanine Marie Scaramozzino
Review of Fundamentals of Technical Services Management by Sheila S. Intner and Peggy Johnson, Tim Strawn
Submissions from 2007
Cyberinfrastructure, Data, and Libraries, Part 1: A Cyberinfrastructure Primer for Librarians, Anna K. Gold
Cyberinfrastructure, Data, and Libraries, Part 2: Libraries and the Data Challenge: Roles and Actions for Libraries, Anna K. Gold
Open Science & Scientific Publishing: Open Access and the Progress of Science, Anna K. Gold
Final Grant Performance Report (PA-51183-05), Arrangement and Description of the Julia Morgan Architectural Archives, Nancy E. Loe
Vision into Practice at Cal Poly, Michael D. Miller
Bridging the Gap: Connecting the Scientific Literature with Learning and Teaching, Katherine O'Clair
Libraries 101 for International Students, Adriana Popescu
Teaching Information Evaluation and Critical Thinking Skills in Physics Classes, Adriana Popescu and James Morgan
ACRL 13th National Conference Report, Jeanine Marie Scaramozzino and Julia Gelfand
Toward Co-Creation of Knowledge in the Interaction Age: An Organizational Case Study, Mary M. Somerville and Navjit Brar
Submissions from 2006
Pantagruel's Seventh Chapter: The Title as Suspect Codpiece, Brett B. Bodemer
Embracing Change at the University of Michigan, Michael D. Miller
Learning Commons: The University of Michigan Experience, Michael D. Miller
The First Year Seminar: Setting Students Up For Success, Katherine O'Clair
Collaborative Co-Design: The Cal Poly Digital Teaching Library User Centric Approach, Mary M. Somerville and Navjit Brar
Digitized Bailey Photographs Highlight Houston, Zach Vowell
Developing a Meaningful Digital Self-Archiving Model: Archival Theory vs. Natural Behavior in the Minds of Carolina Project, Megan A. Winget and Marisa L. Ramirez
Submissions from 2005
Campus Learning Spaces: Investing in How Students Learn, Stephen R. Acker and Michael D. Miller
A Vos Souhaits !, Brett B. Bodemer
Eros le Héros, Brett B. Bodemer
Le Testament, Brett B. Bodemer
Si Alza, Brett B. Bodemer