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Published in Report of the HEAL-SLO/ TCE School Wellness Grant, September 27, 2010, pages 1-38.
A two year grant (October 2008-2010) was awarded to the San Luis Obispo County Public Health Department (SLO-PHD) so that outside agencies could engage in school wellness policy (SWP) advocacy and community activities to aid in combating the growing epidemic of obesity among the county’s high risk populations. Under SLO-PHD oversight, Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL-SLO) proposed school district outcomes, objectives, and indicators. (Attachment A provides the SWP rationale while Attachment B contains the HEAL-SLO/TCE purpose and goals.) In March 2009, a research team from the newly formed STRIDE at California Polytechnic State University was contracted to review and evaluate Oceano Elementary Schools’ eating and physical activity environments with the intent to create baseline and outcome measures for school wellness improvement and sustainability. In September 2009, a mid-cycle report summarized STRIDE’s studies, observations and recommendations. This final report evaluates Oceano’s accomplishments against mid-cycle recommendations previously made and presents results and take-home messages. It also delineates any significant obstacles to progress and makes recommendations for the school’s path forward for improvement and sustainability. First, a brief overview of the childhood obesity issue and a discussion of prevention through school intervention might be helpful.
2010 by Ann Yelmokas McDermott, David W. Hey, Laurie Pugh, Rosanna Taylor, Arlene Grant-Holcomb and Stephanie F. Teaford.
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