Kinesiology and Public Health | College of Science and Mathematics | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Kinesiology and Public Health Department faculty research varies, from physiology to nutrition to epidemiology, to public health programming, to adaptive technologies for persons with physical challenges and more. They regularly publish in academic journals and present at domestic and international conferences.

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Submissions from 2023


Knowledge and Use of Paced Bottle-Feeding Among Mothers of Young Infants, Alison K. Ventura and Vivian M. Drewelow


Associations Between Technology Use, Responsive Feeding, and Child Temperament Among Prior Prenatal Intervention Participants, Alison K. Ventura, Chantelle N. Hart, Suzanne Phelan, and Elissa Jelalian

Submissions from 2021


Associations between Maternal Technology Use, Perceptions of Infant Temperament, and Indicators of Mother-to-Infant Attachment Quality, Shawnee Alvarez Guitierrez and Alison K. Ventura


Effect of Prenatal Lifestyle Intervention on Maternal Postpartum Weight Retention and Child Body MassIndex z-score at 36 Months, Suzanne Phelan, Chantelle N. Hart, Elissa Jelalian, Karen Muñoz-Christian, Noemi Alarcon, Angelica McHugh, Alison K. Ventura, and Rena R. Wing


Promoting Responsive Bottle-Feeding Within WIC: Evaluation of a Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change Approach, Alison K. Ventura, Karina Silva Garcia, Martha Meza, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Catherine E. Martinez, and Shannon E. Whaley


Mother–infant Interactions and Infant Intake during Breastfeeding Versus Bottle-feeding Expressed Breast Milk, Alison K. Ventura, Megan Hupp, and Joseph Lavond


WIC Participants' Perceptions of COVID-19-Related Changes to WIC Recertification and Service Delivery, Alison K. Ventura, Catherine E. Martinez, and Shannon E. Whaley


Maternal Diet During Pregnancy and Lactation and Child Food Preferences, Dietary Patterns, and Weight Outcomes: A Review of Recent Research, Alison K. Ventura, Suzanne Phelan, and Karina Silva Garcia

Submissions from 2020


A Qualitative Study of Breastfeeding and Formula-Feeding Mothers’ Perceptions of and Experiences in WIC, Rebeca Almeida, Shawnee Alvarez Gutierrez, Shannon E. Whaley, and Alison K. Ventura


Potential Overfeeding among Formula Fed Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children Participants and Associated Factors, Christopher E. Anderson, Catherine E. Martinez, Alison K. Ventura, and Shannon E. Whaley


Biography of Leann L Birch, PhD, 25 June 1946 – 26 May 2019, Stephani Anzman-Frasca, Kirsten K. Davison, Jennifer O. Fisher, Lori A. Francis, Susan L. Johnson, Justin A. Lavner, Ian M. Paul, Alison K. Ventura, and Jennifer S. Savage


Positive Parenting Approaches and Their Association with Child Eating and Weight: A Narrative Review from Infancy to Adolescence, Katherine N. Balantekin, Stephanie Anzman-Frasca, Lori A. Francis, Alison K. Ventura, Jennifer O. Fisher, and Susan L. Johnson


Development and Validation of the Maternal Distraction Questionnaire, Alison K. Ventura, Megan Hupp, Shawnee Alvarez Gutierrez, and Rebeca Almeida


Associations Between Variations in Breast Anatomy and Early Breastfeeding Challenges, Alison K. Ventura, Brittany Lore, and Olga Mireles

Submissions from 2019


Maternal Diet during Lactation and Breast-feeding Practices have Synergistic Association with Child Diet at 6 Years, Jacob P. Beckerman, Emily Slade, and Alison K. Ventura


Effects of Varying Doses of Oral Bisphenol A Consumption on Type 2 Diabetes Risk Markers in Healthy Adults, Todd Hagobian, Alyssa Bird, Sean Stanelle, Dana Williams, Andrew Schaffner, and Suzanne Phelan


Dataset for Pilot Randomized Trial to Reduce Urinary Bisphenols in Women With Obesity, Todd Hagobian, Zoe Delli-Bovi, Adrian Mercado, Alyssa Bird, Megan Guy, and Suzanne Phelan


Maternal Digital Media Use during Infant Feeding and the Quality of Feeding Interactions, Alison K. Ventura, Jordyn Levy, and Sierra Sheeper


Exploring Correlates of Infant Clarity of Cues During Early Feeding Interactions, Alison K. Ventura, Sierra Sheeper, and Jordyn Levy


Predictors of Resilience Among Infants at Risk for Rapid Weight Gain, Alison K. Ventura and Kristen Thompson