College - Author 1
College of Liberal Arts
Department - Author 1
Journalism Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Journalism
Primary Advisor
Yan Shan, College of Liberal Arts, Journalism Department
Travel Big Spend Less is a blog designed for college students who are looking for inspiration and ways to travel on a budget. I started this website after taking Advanced Digital Journalism (JOUR 410) and finding a way to keep my study abroad spirit alive. Creating the website from scratch as well as creating multimedia journalism components for the website have been one part of this project.
After starting this platform my friend and I who studied abroad together decided that we should write a book as well. The book is titled “A Guide to Studying Abroad.” Both the blog and the book will work with each other in the hopes of attracting college students and eventually getting enough sales and traffic to the website that we start to make a profit.
This process has been difficult since I have had to not only create a website but also write content for the site as well as design brand elements. In addition, self-publishing has been the biggest teaching experience. Additionally, I have learned the fundamentals of what it takes to publish a book. For instance, I have had to find the right editor and the right designer to format the book into both print and digital. I have started from the ground up to create a book with the necessary marketing and advertising to get there. I have been able to tackle each of these steps and succeed because of many journalism and marketing classes that I have taken.