College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Graphic Communication Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Graphic Communication



Primary Advisor

Hocheol Yang, College of Liberal Arts, Graphic Communication Department


High Frequency experiments with the production of both non-traditional book design and graphic design in order to explore the personal relationship that can exist between an individual and music. Key areas of experimentation lie in typography, graphic design, and layout in order to result in a specialized, hand-crafted book featuring custom posters of twenty-five albums that have had particular significance to my personal musical journey. How can one visually represent their emotional connection, journey, and relationship to a body of music? Though this is the primary focus of this project, a secondary goal is to explore how an individual interacts and moves throughout the book in order to push the boundaries of design and reflect the movement and dynamism of music. High Frequency is in essence a visual representation of my positioning as a creative between the worlds of music and design — particularly, how the former influences and shapes the outcomes of the latter.
