

Degree Name

MS in Fire Protection Engineering


College of Engineering


Chris Pascual and Fred Mowrer


This fire protection report intends to provide Fictitious Architects (The Client) with sufficient information about code requirements and best practices pertaining to occupant and building safety. The chapters within this report include specific design requirements to aid the client during the design of the Court House Project. The following recommendations have been prepared by Ryan Rigsbee to address all major building code requirements for life safety systems. These life safety systems include egress, fire alarm and signaling, water-based fire suppression, structural fire protection, smoke control, and an emergency management plan. This project details the requirements for a new courthouse containing a four story atrium. The design of the Court House Project has enabled Ryan Rigsbee to provide both prescriptive and performance-based solutions to not only meet the aesthetic desires of the client, but also to provide its future occupants with a level of safety commensurate with the expectations set forth for a public building of this nature. Adjacent spaces include offices and courtroom spaces as well as supporting circulation and assembly occupancies. The Court House Project has been designed primarily in accordance with Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, with some exceptions requested from the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) to use particular codes for specific conditions and systems. Further detail of adapted codes and standards is provided in the following chapters of this report. Systems that must be installed along with their requirements have been separated by chapter so that the client may use this report as a checklist to ensure that all of the requirements have been met. It is important to note that Chapter 1 includes critical elements of the building design that each of the following chapters will build upon to develop a code compliant design. Codes adopted into law by the state of California, the standards these codes reference, and additional industry references have been included as the benchmark that the design must abide by. Subsequently, the eventual construction of the Court House Project must also adhere to the requirements described in this report.

RyanRigsbee_FPE596_FinalPresentation.pdf (3423 kB)
Project Presentation





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