

Degree Name

MS in Fire Protection Engineering


College of Engineering


Fred Mowrer and Chris Pascual


This report provides a summary of the principal fire protection and life safety features for a mixed use commercial and residential Podium Building for compliance with the 2000 International Building Code (IBC) and the 2003 NFPA 101 “Life Safety Code”. IBC permits compliance with the prescriptive Code requirements using Alternative Solutions that will achieve at least the minimum level of performance required by the IBC as defined by the objectives and functional statements and as described in the NFPA 101 Chapter 5. Alternative solutions for this project were modeled using the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). One of the primary recommendations for this project is the application of the Code requirement relative to protection of unprotected openings (windows/doors) using the fire sprinkler water curtains or listed fire shutters for buildings across an imaginary property line in accordance with IBC Section 704.3. Refer to Part 9 of this report.

Voloshenko- Presentation.pdf (8116 kB)
Project Presentation





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