Electrical Engineering Department faculty contribute to the ever-changing body of knowledge founded in basic engineering principles and modern high-technology developments through applied research and collaboration with industrial partners. Their research directly impacts continuous improvements of the Electrical Engineering curriculum.

Modified from ee.calpoly.edu


Submissions from 1992


Model for the Infrastructure of Engineering Education, James G. Harris, Karen Frair, Win Aung, and Susan T. Hill


Repetition Frequency Stabilisation of Passively Mode-Locked Semiconductor Lasers, R. J. Helkey, Dennis J. Derickson, A. Mar, J. G. Wasserbauer, J. E. Bowers, and R. L. Thornton


Stabilization of Passively Mode-Locked Semiconductor Laser Repetition Frequency, Roger Helkey, Dennis J. Derickson, Alan Mar, John Wasserbauer, and Robert L. Thornton


Mode-Locking of High-Power Resonant-Optical-Waveguide Diode Laser Arrays, Alan Mar, Dennis J. Derickson, Roger Helkey, John Bowers, and Dan Botez


Integrated Optical Transmitters and Receivers Using Multi-Segment Laser Processes, J. G. Wasserbauer, Dennis J. Derickson, K. Giboney, R. J. Helkey, J. R. Karin, A. Mar, and J. E. Bowers

Submissions from 1991


Visible Light Emission from Semiconducting Polymer Diodes, David Braun and A. J. Heeger


Improved Efficiency in Semiconducting Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes, David Braun, A. J. Heeger, and H. Kromer


Comparison of Timing Jitter in External and Monolithic Cavity Mode-Locked Semiconductor Lasers, Dennis J. Derickson, P. A. Morton, J. E. Bowers, and R. L. Thornton


Efficient Single-Heterojunction Al0.27Ga0.73As/GaAs p-i-n Photodiodes with 22-GHz Bandwidths, C. Johnson, S. Sloan, D. M. Braun, J. L. Russell, M. Zurakowski, M. Lightner, F. Kellert, G. Patterson, R. Koo, Dennis J. Derickson, and J. E. Bowers


High-Frequency Electrooptic Fabry-Perot Modulators, R. J. Simes, R. H. Yan, C. C. Barron, Dennis J. Derickson, D. G. Lishan, Judy R. Karin, L. A. Coldren, M. Rodwell, S. Elliott, and B. Hughes

Submissions from 1990


Architecture for a Human-Robot Symbiotic System, Fred W. DePiero, Wayne W. Manges, Reid L. Kress, Mike R. Kedl, and William R. Hamel


Self-Mode-Locking of a Semiconductor Laser Using Positive Feedback, Dennis J. Derickson, R. J. Helkey, A. Mar, P. A. Morton, and J. E. Bowers


Relative and Absolute Timing Jitter in Actively Mode-Locked Semiconductor Lasers, Dennis J. Derickson, A. Mar, and J. E. Bowers


An Indirect Sensing Technique for Closed-Loop Diesel Fuel Quantity Control, Carl A. MacCarley, Walter D. Clark, and Keay T. Nakae

Submissions from 1989


Use of technology for undergraduate engineering education, B. A. Black, J. S. Demetry, J. G. Harris, and J. R. Jones

Submissions from 1988


A 100-kHz - 22 GHz Instrumentation Photoreceiver, Dennis J. Derickson, C. M. Miller, and R. L. Van Tuyl

Submissions from 1986


State-feedback control of non-linear systems, Stanislaw H. Żak and Carl A. MacCarley

Submissions from 1980


Electronic Fuel Injection Techniques for Hydrogen Powered I.C. Engines, Art MacCarley and W. D. Van Vorst