Recommended Citation
Published in Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference and Workshop on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems: Monterey, CA, March 24, 1997, pages 376-383.
NOTE: At the time of publication, the author Franz Kurfess was affiliated with the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Currently, August 2008, he is Professor of Computer Science at California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo .
The definitive version is available at
In this paper we put forth a vision for organizations to fully embrace computer support. We propose a business-process oriented architecture for Electronic Enterprise Engineering (EEE) that will enable enterprises to manage and evolve all technological and organizational processes effectively; integrate and manage all enterprise information electronically; and empower knowledge workers at all levels with broad decision support capabilities. Our goal is for the EEE architecture to empower an enterprise to make the best use of its informational assets to operate effectively in this new era of electronic commerce. As part of this project we are developing a standard-based, customizable, integrated tool set called the Support Environment for Enterprise Engineering (SEEE). This paper presents the current SEEE architecture and shouts how it supports the three EEE goals.
Computer Sciences
1997 IEEE.
Publisher statement
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