Recommended Citation
Postprint version. Published in Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, January 1, 1998, pages 926-931.
The definitive version is available at
The development of an intelligent assistance agent for diagnostic radiology faces a number of challenges: e.g., how to gain access to the knowledge used an such visual problem solving tasks, how to operationalize it for further processing, and how to present it an the most useful manner for diagnosis. Our previous work an this domain placed an emphasis on the first two issues, and has shown that both perception and problem solving need to be supported an these types of tasks. However, the interface to the underlying intelligence in our first prototypes did not reflect how medical practitioners physically interact with images in the context of their work. This paper describes current work in progress on an image-centered approach to the agent’s interface design. This approach will allow users to interact dynamically with the image, and to store these interactions for future retrieval.
Computer Sciences
1998 IEEE.
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