College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Computer Science Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Computer Science



Primary Advisor

April Grow, College of Engineering, Computer Science and Software Engineering Department

Additional Advisors

Hugh Smith, College of Engineering, Computer Science and Software Engineering Department


As the field of digital media continues to advance, innovative ways of experiencing and interacting with entertainment content are emerging. One such groundbreaking development is the advent of interactive entertainment, where virtual environments become the canvas for immersive experiences. In this realm, I have joined a captivating project that harnesses the power of Unity to create a virtual reality (VR) chemistry laboratory. This project is designed to revolutionize the way chemistry experiments are conducted by providing a realistic and engaging virtual environment. In the real world, there are many reasons why school-age middle or high school students may not be able to fully experience a chemistry lab, either because some are homeschooled, or perhaps because schools don't have enough funding, or don't give chemistry labs enough attention, or are simply concerned about the safety issues that may arise. Another is that students may not be able to understand why chemical reactions occur the way they do because of visibility limitations or because they are influenced by the materials used in the experiment. Leveraging the capabilities of Unity, we are crafting a dynamic platform where multiple chemistry experiments can be simulated with precision and interactivity. This cutting-edge endeavor allows users to step into the shoes of chemists, immersing themselves in a digital laboratory where they can perform a wide range of experiments.

Available for download on Thursday, June 20, 2024
