"Three Rivers Community Town Center" by Jamie Moffatt

College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

City and Regional Planning Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in City and Regional Planning



Primary Advisor

Keith Woodcock, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, City and Regional Planning Department


This project is an extension to the Community Planning courses in the City and Regional Planning Department, CRP 410 and 411. The project began in Fall 2022 and was completed in Winter 2023. The first quarter, the studio team worked with Three Rivers, California, which resulted in a thorough general plan background report for the community. The Tulare County Mountain Area Plan – Background Report, will be referenced throughout the project. The second quarter, the studio team switched directions and completed a five-year review for the Three River’s community, based on their community plan and the General Plan for Tulare County. The Five-Year Review, Three Rivers, document will also be referenced throughout the project. The studio team did extensive research and public outreach in order to complete the projects. The Three Rivers Community Town Center pulls all that information together and proposes a development based on Three River’s wants and needs. This project uses the information gathered by the studio team and primarily focuses on site design. During public outreach, it was clear and unanimous that a community center was highly desired. It was also clear that there was a need for more affordable housing, and more housing in general. The proposed Three Rivers Community Town Center will not only give the community a place to gather but it will also provide a variety of housing and offer new local employment opportunities. This document encompasses relevant background information, regulations, site conditions, and community feedback. This document also goes through the site design process and shows what a possible community center could look like for Three Rivers.
