"Assessing the Utility of Procedural Modeling for the Urban Planning Di" by Riley A. Nelson and Trevor K. Winnard

College - Author 1

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 1

City and Regional Planning Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in City and Regional Planning

College - Author 2

College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department - Author 2

City and Regional Planning Department

Degree - Author 2

BS in City and Regional Planning



Primary Advisor

Amir Hajrasouliha, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, City and Regional Planning Department


In recent years, procedural modeling techniques have been introduced to the urban planning discipline. By enabling the quick generation of design alternatives, these methods have the potential to expedite the public participation process. In this study, we explore ArcGIS CityEngine, an Esri procedural modeling software, and its application for depicting new missing middle housing developments in San Luis Obispo, California. Missing middle housing is an abstract planning concept and the public may benefit from 3D visualizations of the typology contextualized within their own neighborhood. To this end, we procedurally model two existing missing middle developments in San Luis Obispo and transfer them to three alternative contexts. Our team consists of two planning students with no programming background, granting us a relevant perspective on the experience for planning professionals. Through this exercise, we determined that procedural modeling can accelerate the design process when applied to a fitting scenario after the initial training period is complete.
