Theses/Project Reports from 2010
Piedras Blancas Motel Feasibility Study and Redevelopment Alternatives, Gordon Douglas Anderson
Water Conservation for the County of San Luis Obispo, Dimitri Theodore Antoniou
Bus on Shoulder: Local Assessment of Shoulder Transit Lane for Regional Buses in San Luis Obispo County, Jessica R. Berry
Greywater as a Method of Water Conservation in Arroyo Grande, Danielle Castle
Franklin Boulevard Redevelopment Project Area Market Analysis, Joshua Chapman
City of San Luis Obispo: Community and Municipal Operations 2005 Baseline Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory, Geoffrey M. Chiapella
Planning for Stop Spacing Under the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Bus Stop Consolidation Proposal, Erin Marie Cooper
Alternative Methods and Forums to Optimize Public Participation in the Planning Process, Joseph James David
City of Davis Greenbelt Master Plan, Brandon Haydu
Evaluations of Procedural Justice: Evidence of Group-Value Issue Influence in a Planning Context, Thomas W. Hooper
Mixed-Income Housing: Assumptions and Realities, Kimberly M. Hoving
Perceptions and Evaluation of an Urban Environment for Pedestrian Friendliness: A Case Study, Elizabeth H. Lee
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Greening an Older Modest-Sized Home, Delilah Zoe Leval
Emerging Trends in Greenhouse Gas Thresholds of Significance for Use Under the California Environmental Quality Act, Nancy E. Mathison
Improving Public Health Through Urban Design: The Case of Delano, California, Adriana C. Neal
Sense of Community and Neighborhood Design: A Comparative Case Study of Four Arroyo Grande Neighborhoods, Jamie Kathleen Smith
The Relationship Between Quality of Life and LEED-ND Certified / Certifiable Neighborhoods, Stephanie Nicole Timm
Theses/Project Reports from 2009
North Ventura Avenue Area Plan (Draft Update), Rick A. Casswell
City of Patterson Sustainability Plan, Colin Brian Clarke
Accessibility of Bay Area Rail Transit Stations: An Evaluation of Opportunities for Transit Oriented Development, Kevin M. Fang
Santa Barbara Tea Fire Multi-Hazard Mitigation Benefit Cost Analysis, David S. Flamm
Specific Plans: An Implementation Tool for Downtown Revitalization. A Specific Plan Proposal for Downtown Delano, California, Emily Suzanne Henderson
City of South Lake Tahoe Subdivision Ordinance: An Opportunity for Smart Growth, Sustainability, and Application Streamlining, Hilary Kay Hodges
Orizaba Urban Design Plan, Timothy J. Kelly
Enhancement Plan for Downtown Cayucos, CA, Rachelle Sarai Sneh Lopez