Theses/Project Reports from 2015
The California Coastal Commission's Approach to Lower Cost Overnight Visitor-Serving Accommodations Mitigation: A Policy and Legal Analysis, David Francis Pierucci
Does Scenic Make Cents?, Sara Ann Sanders
Barriers to Implementation of a Health, Hygiene, & Sanitation Program: Chennai, India, Kelsey A. Steffen
Conservation Through Limited Development: An Approach for Land Conservancies, Catherine Joy Tarone
Understanding and Incentivizing Workforce Housing: A Professional Project for the City of San Luis Obispo, Jennifer L. Wiseman
Theses/Project Reports from 2014
City of San Luis Obispo Open Space Vegetation Management Plan, Danielle Rose Althaus
City of Los Angeles Arts District Form-Based Code, Ryan Jupiter Banuelos
Oceano Community Health Plan, Eugene Phillip Brennan
Neighborhoods, Proximity to Daily Needs, & Walkability in Form-Based Codes, Evan Evangelopoulos
Cayucos Community Health Plan, Jennifer Joyce Franich
Climate Planning in Politically Conservative Cities: A Case Study of Seven Climate Action Plans, Coleman Moore Frick
Quantifying the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Hazards: Incorporating Disaster Mitigation Strategies in Climate Action Plans, Michael Germeraad
City of Merced Bellevue Community Plan, Patrick Gary Gilster
Latino Rhythms in Downtown Los Angeles: A Case Study of the Social, Physical, and Economic Environment of "LA Broadway", Ulises Antonio Gonzalez
The Use of Mobile Technology in Professional Planning and Local Government Practice, Kayla Gordon
Historic Preservation Approaches for the City of Arroyo Grande, Rachel Elizabeth Grothe
Public Art: Context & Process in San Luis Obispo, CA, Kristin Ann Kiefer
Addressing Childhood Obesity Through the Built Environment: The Guadalupe Case Sudy, Sophia Y. Lai
Tunnel Road Safety: A Look at Older Drivers' Performance and Sight Impairment, Edith Lopez
The Relationship Between Bicycles and Traffic Safety for All Road Users, Jasmine A. Martin
Pismo Beach Public Art Program, Garrett Tyler Norman
Water for Santa Cruz County: Nonprofit Advocacy and Public Policy, Matthew Alexander Orbach
Integrating Solar Energy and Local Government Resilience Planning, Stephan Wayne Schmidt
University Square Development Proposal, Tom Gregory Van Pelt