Author(s) Information

Andrea Nella LevyFollow

College - Author 1

College of Engineering

Department - Author 1

Computer Engineering Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Computer Engineering



Primary Advisor

Tina Smilkstein


The document describes a mobile application that takes information from an attached device which tests eye pressure. The device consists of an IOIO board connected to a custom device that measures the frequency of a given waveform. The device was designed by another student for their senior project, which I am taking over. This device is connected to an IOIO board which is a board designed by a Google employee which works with an android phone in order to create applications that work with embedded systems. The board comes with an API and connects to the phone via a micro-USB. The application takes this data and records it both as a raw number but also as a frequency as measured by the custom device. The application stores the gathered information locally and then displays it on a set of graphs where each graph displays one kind of data calculated from the device