Recommended Citation
Published in Journal of Educational Research, Volume 87, Issue 4, March 1, 1994, pages 220-227. © 1994 Heldref Publications.
NOTE: At the time of publication, the author Bonnie Konopak was affiliated with Louisiana State University. Currently, August 2008, she is the Dean of the College of Education at California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo.
This study examined preservice and inservice secondary teachers' orientations toward content area reading and instruction. Instruments included two sets of belief statements and three sets of lesson plans; for comparison, each instrument incorporated three explanations of the reading process. Based on their selection of statements and plans, preservice teachers favored an interactive model of reading but a reader-based instructional approach, whereas inservice teachers held reader-based beliefs in both areas. In addition, both groups selected primarily reader-based vocabulary and comprehension lessons but varied in their choices of decoding lessons. Further, only teachers holding reader-based beliefs consistently chose corresponding vocabulary and comprehension plans.