The Construction Management Department at Cal Poly is a tight knit group of faculty and staff working to provide students the best possible education and the help they need to progress to graduation and to leave Cal Poly ready for the challenges they can expect in the professional world. Students take a variety of classes, join one or more professional student organizations, and frequently intern with one of the many companies that visit the campus over the course of each year. Upon graduation, the department has virtually 100% placement in the construction industry.
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Senior Projects from 2024
Lab Exercise for CM 239: Ground Penetrating Radar, Logan R. Erickson
Communication Challenges and Lessons Learned for an International Research and Development Project, Ryan Fehrenbach
The Impact of Culture on Construction, Vatulele Uluakiotonga Finau
Recycled and Waste Glass as a Sustainable Substitute for Aggregates and Cement in Concrete, Griffin Powers Finnane
Construction Wellness: Analyzing Mental Health Issues and Solutions for Construction Workers, Joshua Franks
Construction Wellness: Analyzing Mental Health Issues and Solutions for Construction Workers, Joshua Franks
Leaning Pine Arboretum Gazebo- Phase 1: Preconstruction, Layout, Material Procurement, Hunter Froud and Aleena Panchal
Drone Applications in Residential Construction, Leo Geiger
Thinking Styles in the Built Environment, Jaden A. Green
Exploring California Residents’ Perspectives on Solar Panel Viability for Residential Properties, Alecsander Gregg
Skip the Grid: Navajo Nation Solar Power Project, Nathan Kealy Haub
Assessment of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) Risk During the Framing of a 6' x 8' Wooden Shed Using Traditional Hammers, Maxwell R. Helfman
Design and Construction of a Buddy Bench for an Elementary School Play Yard, Remy N. Hickle
TMHA Parking Lot Project, Steven Hickman and Jack Gugale
Superintendent Skill Sets in Both Heavy Civil Construction and Commercial Construction, Tyler Hill
Effects of the 2022 California Building Energy Efficiency Standards on New Construction in San Luis Obispo County, Christopher Hoefer
Designing a Chicken Coop for the San Luis Obispo High School FFA Farm, Zoe King
SLO Newman Catholic Center - Holy Monument, Luka Kosor
Concrete Design: Underwater Concrete Forms in a Saltwater Environment, Noah Z. Lau
The Impact of DISC in Construction Dialogue, Michelle W. Li
Effects of Concrete with the Implementation of Spent Coffee Grounds, Nathan Limon
Exploring Mass Timber and MiTek POSI-Strut System in Modern Construction, Matthew N. Maloney
Lemur Enclosure, Joshua Mancio and Justin Krietzberg
San Luis Obispo High School FFA Barn Demolition: Demolition, Ryan Reza Manesh
Can Leadership Classes Help Women in Construction Embrace Vulnerability Early in their Careers?, Crystal Giselle Martinez