Recommended Citation
Published in United States Patent Number: 6,852,887 B2, February 8, 2005, pages 1-13.
NOTE: At the time of publication, the author Hasan Palandoken was not yet affiliated with Cal Poly.
The present invention provides a new process for the preparation of 2S,3S-N-isobutyl-N-(2-hydroxy-3-amino-4phenylbutyl)- p-nitrobenzenesulfonylamide hydrochloride, wherein this compound is prepared directly from the chloromethylalcohol. Importantly, the process of the present invention results in higher yields of 2S,3S-N-isobutyl-N-(2hydroxy -3 -amino -4-phenylbutyl) -pnitrobenzenesulfonylamide hydrochloride without sacrificing its purity. The processes of the present invention can be used to prepare not only the 2S,3S-derivative, but also the 2R,3S-, 2S,2R- and the 2R,3R-derivatives.
Biochemistry | Chemistry
Publisher statement
United States Patent Number: 6,852,887 B2, Feb. 8 2005, 13 pages. Also available from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Website: