College - Author 1
College of Engineering
Department - Author 1
Electrical Engineering Department
Dr. Siavash Farzan, College of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering
Funding Source
Department of Electrical Engineering
College of Engineering
This project aims to develop an experimental framework for multiple mobile robots, both in simulation and real-world hardware, using ROS 2 as the primary operating system. Utilizing TurtleBot 3 platforms, the team will establish a robust setup that enables tasks such as distributed localization, autonomous navigation, path planning, and formation control for mobile robots. Leveraging simulation environments like Gazebo, the project will replicate real-world setups in a simulated environment for testing and development. All tasks, communication, and sensor integration will be implemented using ROS 2, ensuring seamless coordination and interoperability among the robots. The project involves integrating various sensors and conducting hands-on experiments with TurtleBot 3 robots to validate the system's performance. By bridging simulation and physical experimentation, this framework will provide a comprehensive platform for testing and validating multi-robot coordination algorithms and control strategies. The team will also research and implement various distributed localization and formation control algorithms to further enhance the mobile robots' autonomous capabilities.
October 1, 2024.