The Biomedical Engineering Department formally began in 2005 and evolved from a previous specialization in Biomedical Engineering in the General Engineering Program which had operated for about 15 years. The logical transition from a specialization occurred when compelling interest from our industrial partners, the increased job opportunities, and student demand combined with the needs of the CSU to develop new multidisciplinary programs to increase growth.

The philosophy of the BMED program is to provide an undergraduate degree that is largely a general approach to biomedical engineering, emphasizing hands-on learning experiences and core competencies that can serve a wide variety of industries.

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Senior Projects from 2016


Functional Vasodilation and Vascular Reactivity in Arteriolar Collaterals in the Spinotrapezius of Males and Females, Britta C. Nelson


Final Project Report: Motorized "Hover Board", Gabriele Pregadio


User to Exoskeleton Sensing, Amanda Toan, Brian Fiumara, Carolyn King, Ryan Takatsuka, and Taylor Downey


Cal Poly On-Site Water Treatment Project Proposal, Tanner Wingo