Biomedical Engineering | College of Engineering | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Biomedical Engineering Department faculty research demonstrates the medical engineering expertise needed to innovatively solve complex problems in biology and medicine, contributing to understanding of physiology, advancements in biotechnology, and the enhancement of health care.

The Biomedical Engineering Department was formerly called Biomedical and General Engineering Department.

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Submissions from 2007


Volume Effects on Fatigue Life of Equine Cortical Bone, R. F. Bigley, J. C. Gibeling, S. M. Stover, S. J. Hazelwood, D. P. Fyhrie, and R. B. Martin


Assessment of Blood Vessel Mimics with Optical Coherence Tomography, Garret T. Bonnema, Kristen O'Halloran Cardinal, James B. McNally, Stuart K. Williams, and Jennifer K. Barton


The Use of Hinged External Fixation to Provide Additional Stabilization for Fractures of the Distal Humerus, Christopher R. Deuel, Philip Wolinsky, Eric Shepherd, and Scott Hazelwood


Biomaterials screening experiment using sessile drop contact angles, Lanny Griffin


Biomedical engineering simulation using Visual BASIC macros in Micrsoft Excel, Lanny Griffin and Robert Crockett


Elastic modulus of bone using ultrasonic testing, Lanny Griffin and Victor Yu


Biomechanics of the Rabbit Knee and Ankle: Muscle, Ligament, and Joint Contact Force Predictions, Dustin M. Grover, Andrew A. Chen, and Scott J. Hazelwood


Simulated Effects of Marathon Training on Bone Density, Remodeling, and Microdamage Accumulation of the Femur, Scott J. Hazelwood and Alesha B. Castillo


Quantitative Regional Associations Between Remodeling, Modeling, and Osteocyte Apoptosis and Density in Rabbit Tibial Midshafts, Nicole L. Hedgecock, Tamer Hadi, Andrew A. Chen, Shane B. Curtiss, R. Bruce Martin, and Scott J. Hazelwood


Biomedical Engineering Virtual Circuit Simulation Laboratories, Robert B. Szlavik

Submissions from 2006


Osteon interfacial strength and histomorphometry of equine cortical bone, Robert F. Bigley, Lanny V. Griffin, Lisa Christensen, and Ryan Vandenbosch


Osteonal Effects on Elastic Modulus and Fatigue Life in Equine Bone, V. A. Gibson, S. M. Stover, J. C. Gibeling, S. J. Hazelwood, and R. B. Martin


Recombinant Human BMP-7 Effectively Prevents Non-Union in Both Young and Old Rats, David J. Hak, Takeshi Makino, Takahiro Niikura, Scott J. Hazelwood, Shane Curtiss, and A. Hari Reddi


Effect of Low Molecular Weight Heparin on Fracture Healing in a Stabilized Rat Femur Fracture Model, David J. Hak, Rena L. Stewart, and Scott J. Hazelwood


Two in Vivo Surgical Approaches for Lumbar Corpectomy Using Allograft and a Metallic Implant: A Controlled Clinical and Biomechanical Study, Philbert Huang, Munish C. Gupta, Nesrin Sarigul-Klijn, and Scott Hazelwood


The Effect of Plate Rotation on the Stiffness of Femoral LISS: A Mechanical Study, Afshin Khalafi, Shane Curtiss, Scott Hazelwood, and Philip Wolinsky


Predictions on Preserving Bone Mass in Knee Arthroplasty With Bisphosphonates, Jeffry S. Nyman, Juan J. Rodrigo, Scott J. Hazelwood, Oscar C. Yeh, and R. Bruce Martin


Neural-Electronic Inhibition Simulated with a Neuron Model Implemented in SPICE, Robert B. Szlavik, Abuhanif K. Bhuiyan, Anthony Carver, and Frank Jenkins


COSMM: An undergraduate laboratory for engineering and manufacturing complex, organic shapes using nature as a template, Daniel Walsh, Lanny Griffin, and Robert Crockett