Biomedical Engineering | College of Engineering | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Biomedical Engineering Department faculty research demonstrates the medical engineering expertise needed to innovatively solve complex problems in biology and medicine, contributing to understanding of physiology, advancements in biotechnology, and the enhancement of health care.

The Biomedical Engineering Department was formerly called Biomedical and General Engineering Department.

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Submissions from 2013


A biomechanical comparison of three spondylolysis repair techniques in a calf spine model, R. Roberto, B. Dezfuli, C. Deuel, S. Curtiss, and S. Hazelwood

Submissions from 2011


Arteriogenesis and ischemia impair functional vasodilation in resistance arteries, Trevor Cardinal, Joseph S. Zhu, Kyle R. Struthers, Thomas J. Kesler, and Matthew D. Yocum


Polymeric splint and rapid-setting polyurethane, Lanny Griffin and Dane Robert Jones


The effect of Cox-2 specific inhibition on direct fracture healing in the rabbit tibia, David J. Hak, Kurt S. Schulz, Behrang Khoie, and Scott J. Hazelwood


The 4+1 program and distance learning meeting objectives and outcomes, Daniel W. Walsh, Lanny Griffin, and Robert S. Crockett


The Biomechanics of Varied Proximal Locking Screw Configurations in a Synthetic Model of Proximal Third Tibial Fracture Fixation, Philip R. Wolinsky, Douglas Dennis, Brett D. Crist, Shane Curtiss, and Scott J. Hazelwood

Submissions from 2010


Morphological Assessment of Basic Multicellular Unit Resorption Parameters in Dogs Shows Additional Mechanisms of Bisphosphonate Effects on Bone, Matthew R. Allen, Antonia M. Erickson, Xiang Wang, David B. Burr, R. Bruce Martin, and Scott J. Hazelwood


Impaired vascular reactivity following chronic ischemia in the arteries of the mouse hindlimb, Trevor Cardinal, Thomas J. Kesler, Matthew D. Yocum, Tyler S. Smith, and Nolan M. Mott


Locked Plate Fixation of Osteoporotic Humeral Shaft Fractures: Are Two Locking Screws Per Segment Enough?, David J. Hak, Peter Althausen, and S J. Hazelwood


Differential Regulation of Immature Articular Cartilage Compressive Moduli and Poisson's Ratios by in Vitro Stimulation with IGF-1 and TGF-β1, Gregory M. Williams, Kristin J. Dills, Christian R. Flores, Michael E. Stender, Kevin M. Stewart, Lauren M. Nelson, Albert C. Chen, Koichi Masuda, Scott J. Hazelwood, Stephen M. Klisch, and Robert L. Sah

Submissions from 2009


A Numerical Approach to Determine the Impact of Network Remodeling on Blood Flow, Trevor Cardinal, Shilpi Ghosh, Stephanie A. Wood, and Gabriel Gruionu


Abnormal Collateral Artery Vasoactivity Following Chronic Ischemia, Trevor Cardinal, Thomas J. Kesler, and Matthew D. Yocum


Compliance Calibration for Fracture Testing of Anisotropic Biological Materials, J. A. Creel, S. M. Stover, R. B. Martin, D. P. Fyhrie, S. J. Hazelwood, and J. C. Gibeling


A Biomechanical Comparison of Locked Plate Fixation With Percutaneous Insertion Capability Versus the Angled Blade Plate in a Subtrochanteric Fracture Gap Model, Brett D. Crist, Afshin Khalafi, Scott J. Hazelwood, and Mark A. Lee


Alterations in Femoral Strain Following Hip Resurfacing and Total Hip Replacement, C. R. Deuel, A. A. Jamali, S. M. Stover, and S J. Hazelwood


Material Properties are Related to Stress Fracture Callus and Porosity of Cortical Bone Tissue at Affected and Unaffected Sites, Rachel C. Entwistle,; Sara C. Sammons; Robert F. Bigley; Scott J. Hazelwood; David P. Fyhrie; Jeffery C. Gibeling; and Susan M. Stover


A simple, yet effective, demonstration of polymeric mechanical behavior, Lanny Griffin and Jeffrey Swab


Fatigue strength of common tibial intramedullary nail distal locking screws, Lanny V. Griffin, Robert M. Harris, and Joseph J. Zubak


A modification to the group delay and simulated annealing technique for characterization of peripheral nerve fiber size distributions for non-deterministic sampled data, Robert B. Szlavik


Theoretical Analysis of Alendronate and Risedronate Effects on Canine Vertebral Remodeling and Microdamage, Xiang Wang, Antonia M. Erickson, Matthew R. Allen, David B. Burr, R. Bruce Martin, and Scott J. Hazelwood


A Numerical Approach for Predicting the Impact of Vascular Architecture on Blood Flow During Ischemic Repair, Stephanie Ann Wood, Shilpi Ghosh, Kevin Jones, Gabriel Gruionu, and Trevor R. Cardinals


Functional Vasodilation Following Murine Chronic Hindlimb Ischemia, Matthew David Yocum and Trevor R. Cardinal

Submissions from 2008


Volume Effects on Yield Strength of Equine Cortical Bone, R. F. Bigley, J. C. Gibeling, S. M. Stover, S. J. Hazelwood, D. P. Fyhrie, and R. B. Martin


An Automatic Alogorithm for Detecting Stent Endothelialization from Volumetric Optical Coherence Tomography Datasets, Garret T. Bonnema, Kristen O'Halloran Cardinal, Stuart K. Williams, and Jennifer K. Barton


A Case-Study Based Course on "Device Evaluation and FDA Approval", Kristen O'Halloran Cardinal