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Google recently announced the Little Box Challenge which is an engineering design competition to shrink the size of inverter. An inverter is the equipment used to enable us to get electricity from the renewable energy of the Sun through solar panels. In response to this challenge, a team of students with a faculty advisor and a researcher was formed and has officially registered for the competition. This proposal therefore aims to obtain the required funding to construct the Cal Poly’s inverter. To win the competition, the team will bring in new and innovative methods which include the use of modern semiconductor devices, unique circuit topology, more effective energy filtering system, and advanced circuit layout design. Based on our initial computer simulations, our proposed design has demonstrated the promise of reducing the inverter size, and hence we strongly believe that we will have a good chance of winning the competition. We feel that the proposed project is important since upon its successful completion, the Cal Poly inverter will promote the use of renewable energy thus providing contribution in the global effort to create a more sustainable world. In addition, the proposed project will further exhibit Cal Poly’s commitment to sustainability. Lastly, should the proposed inverter get selected as a finalist or a winner, Cal Poly’s world-wide recognition and reputation will be enhanced.


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