Biological Sciences | College of Science and Mathematics | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Biological Sciences Department faculty research and scholarly activities reflect the social and cultural relevance of their work. Faculty are continuously engaged in projects funded by private, state and federal agencies, including the National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research and the National Institutes of Health. Robust faculty research programs provide opportunities for co-authorship with colleagues, domestically and internationally, and with Cal Poly graduate and undergraduate students.

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Submissions from 1999


Makaira sp., cf. M. nigricans Lacépède, 1802 (Teleostei: Perciformes: Istiophoridae) from the late Miocene, Panama, and its probable use of the Panama Seaway, Harry L. Fierstine


Diversity of Microorganisms Isolated from Amber, C. L. Greenblatt, A. Davis, B. G. Clement, Christopher Kitts, T. Cox, and Raul J. Cano


Variation and Repeatability of Calling Behavior in Crickets Subject to a Phonotactic Parasitoid Fly, Gita R. Kolluru


Conservation Implications of Dietary Dilution from Debris Ingestion: Sublethal Effects in Post-Hatchling Loggerhead Sea Turtles, Shannon J. McCauley and Karen A. Bjomdal


Response to Dietary Dilution in an Omnivorous Freshwater Turtle: Implications for Ontogenetic Dietary Shifts, Shannon J. McCauley and Karen A. Bjorndal


Optical Monitoring and Forecasting Systems for Harmful Algal Blooms: Possibility or Pipe Dream?, Mark A. Moline, Oscar Schofield, Joe Grzymski, Paul W. Bissett, Gary J. Kirkpatrick, David F. Millie, and Collin S. Roesler


The edaphic factor and patterns of variation in Lasthenia californica (Asteraceae), Nishanta Rajakaruna and Bruce A. Bohm


Evolutionary and Acclimation-Induced Variation in the Heat-Shock Responses of Congeneric Marine Snails (Genus Tegula) from Different Thermal Habitats: Implications for Limits of Thermotolerance and Biogeography, Lars Tomanek and George N. Somero


Ontogenies of Phototactic Behavior and Metamorphic Competence in Larvae of Three Species of Bugula (Bryozoa), Dean E. Wendt and Robert M. Woollacott

Submissions from 1998


Is population genetics mired in the past?, Andrew J. Bohonak, Neil Davies, George K. Roderick, and Francis X. Villablanca


Terminal Restriction Fragment Patterns (TRFPs), a rapid, PCR-based method for the comparison of complex bacterial communities, Brian G. Clement, Lucia E. Kehl, Kristin L. DeBord, and Christopher L. Kitts


Rapid detection of Listeria monocytogenes in dairy samples utilizing a PCR-based fluorogenic 5′ nuclease assay, T. Cox, C. Frazier, J. Tuttle, S. Flood, L. Yagi, C. T. Yamashiro, R. Behari, C. Paszko, and R. J. Cano


A New Niche for Vibrio logei, the Predominant Light Organ Symbiont of Squids in the Genus Sepiola, Pat M. Fidopiastis, Sigurd von Boletzky, and Edward G. Ruby


Identification of a Functional Homolog of the Yeast Copper Homeostasis Gene ATX1 From Arabidopsis, Edward Himelblau, Helena Mria, Su-Ju Lin, Valeria Cizewski Culotta, Lola Penarrubia, and Richard M. Amasino


Sex can be dangerous: Acoustically-orienting parasitoids on field crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), Gita R. Kolluru


Staphylococcus succi nus sp. nov., isolated from Dominican amber, L. H. Lambert, T. Cox, K. Mitchell, R. A. Rosselló-Mora, C. Del Cueto, D. E. Dodge, P. Orkand, and R. J. Cano


Photoadaptive Response During the Development of a Coastal Antarctic Diatom Bloom and Relationship to Water Column Stability, Mark A. Moline


Photosynthetic Parameters and Empirical Modeling of Primary Production: A Case Study on the Antarctic Peninsula Shelf, Mark A. Moline, Oscar Schofield, and Nicolas P. Boucher


Metamorphis is Not a New Beginning, Jan A. Pechenik, Dean E. Wendt, and Jeremiah N. Jarrett


Impact of Temperature Acclimation on Photosynthesis in the Toxic Red-Tide Dinoflagellate Alexandrium Fundyense (Ca28), Oscar Schofield, Joseph Grzymski, Mark A. Moline, and Raffael J.M. Jovine


Rostral-Caudal Variation in Troponin T and Parvalbumin Correlates with Differences in Relaxation Rates of Cod Axial Muscle, Tierney M. Thys, Jason M. Blank, and Fred H. Schachat


Sequence Analysis of Bacterial DNA in the Colon of an Andean Mummy, Massimo Ubaldi, Stefania Luciani, Isolina Marota, Gino Fornaciari, Raul J. Cano, and Franco Rollo


Invasion genetics of the Mediterranean fruit fly: variation in multiple nuclear introns, F. X. Villablanca, G. K. Roderick, and S. R. Palumbi


Effect of Larval Swimming Duration on Growth and Reproduction of Bugula neritina (Bryozoa) Under Field Conditions, Dean E. Wendt


Exploitations of Sexual Signals by Predators and Parasitoids, Marlene Zuk and Gita R. Kolluru