Biological Sciences | College of Science and Mathematics | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Biological Sciences Department faculty research and scholarly activities reflect the social and cultural relevance of their work. Faculty are continuously engaged in projects funded by private, state and federal agencies, including the National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research and the National Institutes of Health. Robust faculty research programs provide opportunities for co-authorship with colleagues, domestically and internationally, and with Cal Poly graduate and undergraduate students.

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Submissions from 2001


MF-EA-705α & MF-EA-705β, New Metabolites from Microbial Fermentation of a Streptomyces sp., Asfia Qureshi, Jacob B. Mauger, Raul J. Cano, Jorge L. Galazzo, and May D. Lee


Effects of Artisanal Fishing on Marine Communities in the Galápagos Islands, Benjamin I. Ruttenberg


Invasive Plant Management Project, Scott J. Steinmaus


Longitudinal Variation in Muscle Protein Expression and Contraction Kinetics of Largemouth Bass Axial Muscle, Tierney M. Thys, Jason M. Blank, David J. Coughlin, and Fred Schachat


The Effect of the El Niño–southern Oscillation Event On the Distribution of Reef-associated Labrid Fishes In the Eastern Pacific Ocean, Benjamin C. Victor, Gerard M. Wellington, D. Ross Robertson, and Benjamin I. Ruttenberg


Whence Meiosis?, Anne M. Villeneuve and Kenneth J. Hillers

Submissions from 2000


Sequence Analysis of Bacterial DNA in the Colon and Stomach of the Tyrolean Iceman, Raul J. Cano, Friedrich Tiefenbrunner, Massimo Ubaldi, Clarissa Del Cueto, Stefania Luciani, Tobe Cox, Paula Orkand, Karl H. Kunzel, and Franco Rollo


Isolating PCR-Quality DNA from Human Feces with a Soil DNA Kit, Brian G. Clement and Christopher L. Kitts


Delivering Copper Within Plant Cells, Edward Himelblau and Richard M. Amasino


Molecular Aspect of Leaf Senescence, Edward Himelblau, Betania Quirino, Yoo-Sun Noh, and Richard Amasino


Type I Nitroreductases in Soil Enterobacteria Reduce TNT (2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene) and RDX (Hexahydro-1,3,5-Trinitro-1,3,5-Triazine), Christopher Kitts, Chad E. Green, Rebecca A. Otley, Marc A. Alvarez, and Pat J. Unkefer


Protozoan Free Colonies of Lepidoptera, Kingston L. H. Leong


Energetic Dynamics and Anuran Breeding Phenology: Insights From a Dynamic Game, Shannon J. McCauley, Sarah S. Bouchard, Brian J. Farina, Kavita Isvaran, Suhel Quader, Daniel W. Wood, and Colette M. St. Mary


Optical Discrimination of a Phytoplankton Species in Natural Mixed Populations, David F. Millie, Mark A. Moline, and Oscar Schofield


Optical Fractionation of Chlorophyll and Primary Production for Coastal Waters of the Southern Ocean, Mark A. Moline and Barbara B. Prezelin


An Unusual Pulse in Recruitment of Two Reef Fishes In the Galápagos Islands Coincident With The 1997–1998 El Niño, Benjamin I. Ruttenberg


Estimation of base temperatures for nine weed species, Scott J. Steinmaus, Timothy S. Prather, and Jodie S. Holt


Time Course and Magnitude of Synthesis of Heat-Shock Proteins in Congeneric Marine Snails (Genus Tegula) from Different Tidal Heights, Lars Tomanek and George N. Somero


Evaluation of the Performance Enhancement of Silicone Biofouling-Release Coatings by Oil Incorporation, Kathryn Truby, Christina Wood, Judith Stein, James Cella, John Carpenter, Christopher Kavanagh, Geoff Swain, Deborah Wiebe, David Lapota, Anne Meyer, Eric Holm, Dean Wendt, Celia Smith, and Jean Montemarano


Energetics of Larval Swimming and Metamorphosis in Four Species of Bugula (Bryozoa), Dean E. Wendt


Temporal and Spatial Variations in Macrofouling of Silicone Fouling-Release Coatings, Christina Darkangelo Wood, Kathryn Truby, Judith Stein, Deborah Wiebe, Eric Holm, Dean Wendt, Celia Smith, Christopher Kavanagh, Jean Montemarano, Geoff Swain, and Anne Meyer

Submissions from 1999


Determining the source of individuals: multilocus genotyping in nonequilibrium population genetics, Neil Davies, Francis X. Villablanca, and George K. Roderick


Capillary Density of Skeletal Muscle: A Contributing Mechanism for Exercise Intolerance in Class II–III Chronic Heart Failure Independent of Other Peripheral Alterations, Brian D. Duscha, William E. Kraus, Steven J. Keteyian, Martin J. Sullivan, Howard J. Green, Fred H. Schachat, Anne M. Pippen, Clinton A. Brawner, Jason M. Blank, and Brian H. Annex


Cryptic luminescence in the cold-water fish pathogen Vibrio salmonicida, P. M. Fidopiastis, Henning Sørum, and E. G. Ruby


A New Shortbilled Marlin of the Genus Makaira, from the Yorktown Formation, (Early Pliocene), Eastern North Carolina at Lee Creek Mine, USA, Harry L. Fierstine