College - Author 1
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
Department - Author 1
Animal Science Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Animal Science
Primary Advisor
Marc Horney
This rangeland condition assessment was conducted as part of the Cal Poly Rangeland Condition Assessment Project. Five pastures comprising 31.7 acres at the Cal Poly sheep unit were assessed to collect baseline ecological information. Methods used were Line-point Intercept, Belt Transect, Residual Dry Matter, and the rangeland health indicators recommended by Pyke et al., 2002. Additionally, a preliminary species list was collected. The rangeland health assessment method found all pastures to have no to slight departure from the local reference area when evaluated for soil and site stability, hydrologic function, and biotic integrity.
Apdx B Transect Photos.pdf (5712 kB)
Apdx C Belt.pdf (3274 kB)
Apdx D RDM photos.pdf (8505 kB)
Apdx E reference_sheet.pdf (88 kB)
Apdx F evaluation_matrix.pdf (67 kB)
Apdx G Evals.pdf (4794 kB)
Apdx H Pasture Photos.pdf (5989 kB)