"Evaluation of Degradation of the Chicken Egg Over Time by Method of Ha" by Serena Gurley

College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Animal Science Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Animal Science



Primary Advisor

Robert Spiller


The purpose of this senior project was to measure the degradation of the chicken egg over time under different treatments. 864 eggs were collected and divided into six treatment groups. The six groups of study were refrigerated: unwashed, washed, washed and oiled as well as room temperature: unwashed, washed, washed and oiled. The Haugh unit score was measured individually for one dozen eggs taken randomly from each of the six groups once a week for twelve weeks. The Haugh unit score statistical assessment of the eggs found washed and oiled eggs held in refrigeration maintain freshness longer than the other methods. Refrigerated, washed eggs are currently the industry standard in the United States.
