"Cal Poly Goat Program" by Lauren Christensen

College - Author 1

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Department - Author 1

Animal Science Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BS in Animal Science



Primary Advisor

Andrew Thulin, Aaron Lazanoff


The Cal Poly Goat Program was established in the Summer of 2012 to provide vegetation management services on the Cal Poly campus and to allow students to gain hands on experience with goats. Student interest in adding goats as an additional species in the Animal Science Department spurred the realization and development of the program. The department also experienced demand for goats to use for vegetation management at the animal units and around various facilities on campus. The Goat Program integrates Cal Poly’s hands-on, ‘Learn by Doing’ philosophy with sustainable management practices to serve the needs of students as well as the greater part of campus. The goats are a self-contained continuously mobile unit supported by existing infrastructure within the Animal Science Department and managed by a student manager, with primary faculty supervision by Aaron Lazanoff. The student manager directs the Goat Enterprise students in caring for the goats, and works with different departments on campus to meet the need for vegetation management. Eventually, the Goat Program will be merged with the existing Cal Poly Sheep operation to become the Cal Poly Small Ruminant Program.
