Content Posted in 2011
Wittgenstein, value pluralism and politics, Matthew Moore
Wolf, George Sukol
Wolves of Sorrow, Kathleen Malley
Woman Who Lived With Wolves, Jean Pearson
Women Not in the Kitchen: A Look at Gender Equality in the Restaurant Industry, Rosalie Platzer
Woody: Roborodentia 2011 Robot, Felix Chung, Canh Sy, and Hanson Yu
Words That (Don’t) Matter: An Evaluative Study of Four Names in Environmental Rhetoric, Larissa Hope Jaskulsky
Work Flow Policy and Within-Worker and Between-Workers Variability in Performance, Kenneth Howard Doerr, Tali Freed, Terence R. Mitchell, Chester A. Schriesheim, and Xiaohua Zhou
Work In Progress: Combining Concept Inventories with Rapid Feedback to Enhance Learning, John Chen, Jennifer Kadlowec, and Dexter Whittinghill
Work in Progress: How Do We Teach and Measure Systems Thinking?, Linda Vanasupa, Erika Rogers, and Katherine Chen
Work in Progress - Role of Faculty in Promoting Lifelong Learning, Jonathon Stolk, Susan M. Lord, Candice Stefanou, John Chen, Katharyn E. K. Nottis, and Michael J. Prince
Work in Progress - Role of Faculty in Promoting Lifelong Learning: Initial Findings, John Chen, Susan M. Lord, Katharyn Nottis, Michael Prince, Candice Stefanou, and Jonathon Stolk
World Day for Laboratory Animals, Marti Kheel
'Wrinkle in Time' To Play at Cal Poly Nov. 14-16, Nov. 21-23, Public Affairs Office
'Wrinkle in Time' To Play at Cal Poly Nov. 14-16, Nov. 21-23, Public Affairs Office
Writing a USDA Process Verified Program, Noah Nelson
Wyoming Journal, Marita Delaney
X-51 Composite Airframe, Brendon J. Townshend
Xanté Supports Cal Poly with a Gift of ILUMINA Digital Production Press, Public Affairs Office
Xenograft and Partial Affections, James A. Nelson
XML Views for Electronic Editions, Ionut E. Iacob and Alex Dekhtyar
xTagger: a New Approach to Authoring Document-Centric XML, Ionut E. Iacob and Alex Dekhtyar
Yersinia pestis Proteomics and Vaccine Development, Rebecca Paddack, Lindsey Evans, Jr-Shiuan Lin, Stephen Smiley, and Brett Chromy
"You Hip to Buffalo?" The Hidden Heritage of Black Theatre in Western New York, Virginia Anderson
"Your Legs Must Be Singing Grand Opera": Masculinity, Masochism, and Stephen King's Misery, Douglas Keesey
Zeta Matrices of Elliptic Curves, Goro Kato and Saul Lubkin
Zinc Adsorption by a Lateritic Soil in the Presence of Organic Ligands, P. Chairidchai and G. S. P. Ritchie
Zinc Adsorption by Sterilized and Non-Sterilized Soil in the Presence of Citrate and Catechol, P. Chairidchai and G. S.P. Ritchie