"Non-linear Contact Analysis of Meshing Gears" by Chun Hung Lee

Date of Award


Degree Name

MS in Mechanical Engineering


Mechanical Engineering


Xi Wu


Gear transmission systems are considered one of the critical aspects of vibration analysis, and it contains various potential faults such as misalignment, cracks, and noise. Therefore, it requires vibration monitoring to ensure the system is operating properly. Case mounted accelerometers are frequently used to monitor frequencies in a system. However, it is not a simple task to identify and interpret the acceleration data since there are many gear mesh frequencies present. One of the approaches utilized by researchers to perform gear diagnostic is Finite Element Modeling. This study focuses on stiffness cycle and meshing stiffness of non-linear quasi-static finite element modeling. The comparisons of meshing stiffness will concentrate on the type of elements, the integration methods, the meshing quality, plane stress and plane strain analysis, sensitivity of model tolerance, and crack modeling. The results show that the FEA approach is extremely sensitive to tolerance, mesh density, and element choice. Also, the results indicate that a complete sensitivity and convergence studies should be carried out for a satisfactory stiffness match.
