
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Data Quality Office (DQO) has made a number of improvements and additions over the past year to its main tool for inspecting and assessing ARM data quality—the Data Quality Health and Status (DQ HandS) system (http://dq.arm.gov/). Among the improvements and additions, some of which are shown below, are the inclusion of ARM Mobile Facility (AMF) data; a new plot browser to facilitate the viewing of DQ HandS diagnostic plots; an improved method for writing and databasing weekly data quality assessment reports; a new automated daily alert, an improved method for searching ARM report databases (see Doty and Wagener’s abstract in this proceeding); addition of more instrument and value-added products output, and creation of a development version of DQ HandS that allows the present system to become a true production tool.


Statistics and Probability

Number of Pages


Publisher statement

Published by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science.



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/stat_fac/8