"Beam Loss Analysis through Particle Tracking Simulation" by Marvin Valverde


Water soluble-polymers are commonly used to build detergents or other types of surfactants. These polymers are important because water soluble-polymers used in the development of surfactants have become an essential new factor in the cleaning of oil. However, the development of these surfactants has been constrained by the difficulty of producing them. For this synthesis, phenolic maleimide was used as starting material for a water-soluble polymer. This polymer will be able to break apart at set temperatures and self-assemble into a surfactant.


Organic Chemistry


Philip J. Costanzo

Lab site

California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly SLO)

Funding Acknowledgement

US Army Research Laboratory and National Science Foundation



URL: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/star/558


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