"Understanding Molecular Bonding in Vitamin B12 Using X-Ray Spectroscop" by Jamie N. Lehnen


It is often difficult to accurately describe the electronic configuration of large molecules like cobalamin (Vitamin B12). By defining the electronic and geometric structure of a molecule using X-ray spectroscopy, we can better understand how that molecule behaves. Cobalamin is a molecule of interest because it typically displays dehalogenating properties in the body. By understanding more of how cobalamin analogues operate, it becomes possible to know their chemical properties and reactions.


Biological and Chemical Physics


Riti Sarangi

Lab site

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC)

Funding Acknowledgement

This project has been made possible with support from the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation (www.marinesanctuary.org) and the California State University STEM Teacher Researcher Program in addition to contributions from the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.



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