Cal Poly Student Research
Student Research from 2020
Student Research from 2019
Modifying Succession: A History of Vegetation Alliances on Swanton Pacific Ranch, Jill Wilson O'Connor
Student Research from 2018
Quantifying the Environmental Performance of a Stream Habitat Improvement Project, Cody Morse
Field Investigation of Stream-Aquifer Interactions: A Case Study in Coastal California, Devin Pritchard-Peterson
Student Research from 2017
Swanton Pacific Railroad - Track Maintainer Upgrades, Jakob Graf and Dustin Platt
Spatiotemporal Variability in the Macroinvertebrate Community of a Small Coastal California Stream, Little Creek, Davenport, California, John Patrick Hardy
Student Research from 2016
Lower Scotts Creek Floodplain and Habitat Enhancement Project, Benjmain O. Cook
Hydrologic Characteristics of Summer Stream Temperatures in Little Creek and Scotts Creek at the Swanton Pacific Ranch, Justin M. Louen
From the Berkeley Hills to Bishop Peak: Acquisition and Use of Land at Cal Poly and UC Berkeley, Paul J. Michaels
Student Research from 2015
Detecting Change in Central California Coast Coho Salmon Habitat in Scotts Creek, California, from 1997–2013, Ashley Brubaker Hillard
Digitization of Disturbance History for Swanton Pacific Ranch from 1989 to 2015, Daniel McQuillan
Designing and Creating a Website: "Low-Stress Handling Beef Cattle", Lauren Rothstein
Una Legua Cuadrada: Exploring the History of Swanton Pacific Ranch and Environs, Jeanine Marie Scaramozzino
Student Research from 2014
Classification of Plot-Level Fire-Caused Tree Mortality in a Redwood Forest Using Digital Orthophotography and Lidar, Brian David Bishop
Evaluating Five Years of Soil Hydrologic Response Following the 2009 Lockheed Fire in the Coastal Santa Cruz Mountains of California, Mary Theresa Crable
Project Proposal and Development Plan for a New Security Gate at Swanton Pacific Ranch, K. Morgan Perry
Evaluation of Red Alder Mortality in the Little Creek Watershed Following the 2009 Lockheed Fire, Dylan Robert Theobald
Student Research from 2013
Testing Subspecies Limits in Monardella villosa, Taylor McLaughlin Crow Mr.
Design and Construction of a Remedial Pumping System, Brandon Downing
Post-fire Response of Little Creek Watershed: Evaluation of Change in Sediment Production and Suspended Sediment Transport, Andrew Wood Loganbill
Road Cuts and Atterberg Limits of Little Creek Road, Christopher A. Marquis
Evaluation of the Brock Center for Agricultural Communication, Jennifer Ray
A Study of Escherichia coli Presence in Viscera Before and After Anaerobic Composting, Grant M. Williams