"21st Century Policing: Building Trust and Communication" by Tyler Merritt Schilling

College - Author 1

College of Liberal Arts

Department - Author 1

Social Sciences Department

Degree Name - Author 1

BA in Sociology



Primary Advisor

Kylie Parrotta, College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences Department


My Senior Project was inspired by my desire to become a law enforcement officer and was framed with President Obama’s 21st Century Task Force Report on Policing. I provide an overview of the literature on 21st Policing, focusing on Pillar I: Building Trust and Legitimacy. In collaboration with another senior, we hosted a Community Policing Town Hall Forum to address students’ concerns about policing on campus, in SLO, and in other cities across the country. Survey data was collected before and after the event to gauge students’ attitudes towards police and to see how they evaluated the town hall for addressing their questions and concerns. After describing how the event was coordinated, I will discuss the survey results and ideas for building bridges between police and students. I would like to thank the panelists for their participation.
