Department - Author 1
Social Sciences Department
Degree Name - Author 1
BS in Social Sciences
Primary Advisor
Benjamin Timms
Nearly one billion people in the world today do not have access to clean water (Siegfried, 2008). This is a crisis that society has faced for decades, and is not a problem that (to our knowledge) will be miraculously alleviated anytime in the near future. The implications of this resource deficit run deep for many people outside of America. But sadly, the affected places and people are not often visible to or noticed by the American society as a whole. The purpose of my research and analysis through this project is to change that. I desire to see a community come together to seek knowledge and awareness that leads to sacrificial yet practical action.
The purpose of researching this topic is not merely to gain knowledge, but to launch an endeavor with the knowledge that is gained. The specific endeavor that I desire to see become a reality as a result of this research is VINE20, a nonprofit venture in which “wine is turned into water” for the world. The original idea is based upon the historical first miracle of Jesus Christ, turning water into wine at a wedding in first century Cana. This endeavor would seek use profits from the sale of wine to assist people in third-world situations that don’t have access to clean water. My goal would be to work with and through local wineries that are interested in giving charitable donations of wine to the project out of overflow in production, labeling the wine as VINE20, and eventually have the newly labeled wine on shelves and available for purchase. All of the proceeds from sold wine would go to an organization such as Lifewater International, a nonprofit organization that works to build fresh water wells and create other solutions for the places in the world that are in need of water.
This project is a combination of both intensive research and integrated solutions. The statistical information itself is included in order to create awareness of the problem and show the reader a need for a solution.